Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yarn Bombing: Radical Textile Street Art

Yarn bombing, also known as "guerilla knitting," has become a colorful craze in street art. Individuals knit or crochet cloth around various city objects, such as telephone poles or phone booths, creating whimsical installations. Yarn bombing began when people decided to funk up and reclaim their sterile, city environment. So, here's the exciting part... June 11, 2011 will mark the first "International Yarn Bombing Day," created by Joann Matvichuk from Lethbridge Alberta Canada. Although, yarn bombing has been specific to knitting and crocheting, I plan on integrating the art of macrame on International Yarn Bombing Day. I will find something in my community desperately in need of some organic love, and guerilla macrame will be born.